Hey lovelies
It’s been a while and I am still trying to sort my thoughts while typing this article.
What can I say ? it’s been such an intense run. the end of DIE left me so happy but also very tired and I have a desparate hunger for new things to chew on.
First of all, covers. I have been out of the game for such a long time and I feel so grateful that the market still somehow desires me so much. I guess it’s like when you are in a long distance relationship with a lover and got stuck somewhere because of a pandemic or work and suddenly you meetup again and it’s an explosion of emotions.
I love coverart. It just brings me so many opportunities to try things, and so much joy..
Right now I am also working on DIE RPG, and I hope you are on board because it’s starting to get very REAL.
I also am planning on at least some travels, even if it’s just in Europe , because, there’s no hiding it. Sedentarity makes my spirit smaller. I need the thrill of arriving in a place where everything is yet to discover and abandon myself to the feeling of beeing lost. You will or won’t understand. I hope you do, but I know this is a very introvert way of life. I like to be alone.
What else? nothing much but I am open to anything and usually, universe provides. I am ready