Damn, it’s been a minute.
Call me crazy if you need but the older you get, the faster time passes.
It also let you decide that there is no point in making promises you will end up betraying. I will update when I will update.
So, let’s see : last year I did a hundred pages for Kieron Gillen and I’s new project.
The name is “we called them Giants” and it’s very different from anything we did together.

I hope you stay with us cause we are not done yet 🙂
What else ? I did a few covers, or a lot, I am not sure, plus some extra illustration jobs on the side. and of course there was the massive monster that was the DIE RPG. Check it out, it’s awesome.
I also decided I needed to stop doing two full time jobs. As much as I love cover art, I need to put a limit to what I can do when I also do pages. Cause last year was the year I finally had my first burnout and that was not fun.
Now that I am back on my feet I feel like I am on fire. there will be good things for me this year. Big ones too.
Thank you for bearing with me.